Ethereum (ETH) Price Quotes via API Blockchain
As a programmer, access to price data in real time is necessary to build solid trading systems. Blockchain Ethereum provides an open source platform that allows programmers to create applications such as API to trade cryptocurrencies. In this article, we will examine the access process to Ethereum price quotes via the official API interface provided by
Review API
BTC-E.COM offers RestFul API, which allows programmers to access various data points, including offers and tasks, orders and others. However, specific API final points for downloading price quotes are not clearly documented on their website, which can lead to confusion among programmers. Our goal is to provide a step-by-step guide on how to access Ethereum price quotes using the official API interface.
information required
To use the API, you will need the following information:
- API key: a unique key provided by BTC-E.COM for authentication purposes.
- Secret API key: Secret key used to authenticate requests and access to protected data.
- Account type: Set up if you want to download prices from a specific account (e.g. ETH balance, trade pair, etc.).
end points API
After registering on the website and obtaining certificates, follow the following steps:
- Choose the desired API interfaces (e.g. Balance Eth, trade couple, etc.) and create new keys.
- Create the API Customer : Visit the “API Customer” navigation desktop and generate a new customer ID using a registered API key and a secret key. This will be required for authentication purposes.
Access to Ethereum price quotes
By using the generated API customer, you can access Ethereum price quotes by submitting HTTP requests to the following end points:
* Get /Cena /ETH : Recover the current price of the ETH offer.
* Get/Cena/ETH/ASK : Recover the current price of ASK ETH (the maximum price that the buyer is willing to pay).
* Get/Par/ETH/BTC/quote : Recover the current price valuation for ETH/BTC.
Sample code
Here is an example fragment of the code in Python, which shows how to access Ethereum price quotes using the API interface:
Import requests
api_key = "your_api_key"
api_secret_key = "your_api_secret_key"
Set information on account and couples
Conct_type = "eth/btc"
Para_info = {"Price": "ETH", "Symbol": "btc"}
Create the API customer
client_id = "your_client_id"
client_secret = "your_client_secret"
Authentication using the generated API keys
Headers = {
"Authorization": f "carrier {api_key}",
"Content-Typ": "Application/Json",
Recover the current price valuation for ETH/BTC
response = reccings.get (f " (country_type}? Pair = (pair_info = 'symbol']}}", headers = headers, auth = (client_id, client_secret ))
If the answer.status_code == 200:
Data = response.json ()
Print (data)
Print ("The price was not recovered:", response.text)
*Gł, also remember about the limits and requirements for the use of real-time data access via the API interface.
By following these steps, you should have access to Ethereum price quotes using the official API interface. If you encounter any problems or you have further questions, you can ask!